Wednesday, February 24, 2016

chapter 4&5 quotation assignment

chapter 4.. Quote- "prove to these white men- that he's not a hog he's a man." page 31 paragraph 2. Question  3) This quotation indicates a conflict of white men calling Jefferson a hog and a dumb animal. They called him a hog because they did not think he was a man because he was black. They felt as if he wasn't good enough/ nor smart enough to be called a man. They felt that a black man or boy wasn't deserved to be called a man because of they color.
Question 2) This quotation characterizes the white men by them calling Jefferson a hog it show that they are cruel, mean, and racist toward him. It also shows that white men did not have respect for Jefferson so that can indicate that they most likely didn't have respect for any other black man. It shows that they seen him as nothing more a dumb animal, hog, and/or anything else but a human being.
chapter 5.. Quote- "they knew Jefferson was supposed to die in the electric chair but they hadn't known how this would happen." page 39 paragraph 4. Question 6) The contemporary issue this quotation connects is everyone knew no matter if you committed the crime or not if you was there and black you was going to be found guilty. You knew you was going to be sentenced to death. No one understood how Jefferson out of all people could  commit such a crime but it didn't matter cause he was black so they knew that even if he explained his self he was still getting a pleaded guilty and was going to get a death sentence.
Question 3) Yes this quotation indicates a conflict of even the ones who wasn't in court that day or was young they knew he was going to die in the electric chair. They just couldn't understand why or how he wasn't capable of murder. even though the town knew Jefferson wasn't guilty they knew he was going to die in the electric chair. back than if you was black and was accused of a crime or at the crime seen you was guilty. your opinions didn't matte because you was black.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

my dream vacation

If i could go anywhere in the world for a vacation it would be Hawaii. The reason why is because Hawaii water is so beautiful and pretty. Their water is not like the water you normally see in Mobile or Pensacola. Hawaii has a warm climate and is filled with nothing but fun. It is most commonly know as a paradise because of the beaches and the peace which can be helpful if i have a lot of stress going on. Hawaii is a very calm place which is what every future college students need before entering college. I believe i will be visiting Hawaii in 3 years from now on one of my college breaks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Temporary escape

Like "stopping by woods, on a snowy evening" by robert frost i too and many others have a temporary escape from reality. I think everyone should have a temporary escape to release alot of pain and stress buildt up on them whether it's school, work, or your personal life you should have a temporary escape. My major temporary escape is band because music helps clears my mind and relieves stress and/or pain. As i play my instrument I release my anger, pain, and stress through my notes and music. When i listen to my band members play my body tingles, makes me feel happier,  and makes me want to get up and dance. Another temporary escape for me is walking a couple of blocks away or up and down the street listening to music. This helps me calm down because as I walk the music runs through my head and helps clear my mind and makes me feel better than before.