Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Temporary escape

Like "stopping by woods, on a snowy evening" by robert frost i too and many others have a temporary escape from reality. I think everyone should have a temporary escape to release alot of pain and stress buildt up on them whether it's school, work, or your personal life you should have a temporary escape. My major temporary escape is band because music helps clears my mind and relieves stress and/or pain. As i play my instrument I release my anger, pain, and stress through my notes and music. When i listen to my band members play my body tingles, makes me feel happier,  and makes me want to get up and dance. Another temporary escape for me is walking a couple of blocks away or up and down the street listening to music. This helps me calm down because as I walk the music runs through my head and helps clear my mind and makes me feel better than before. 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this on so many levels. I feel the same exact way when I dance. The music and dancing gives me a feeling if freedom that relieves me from stress. I would lile to walk through the neighborhood, but I don't do it often because it's not always safe to walk alone.
