Sunday, March 27, 2016

good friday assignment

A random act of kindness i can do to celebrate good friday is go to charity and give them 50 dollars, donate clothes, and give a stranger a few dollars. To me kindness means a kind act or giving your last to someone in need or to give something to someone. When i do something nice for it makes me feel happy, proud, and grateful knowing i gave something to someone. I can show kindness to strangers by  giving them food or money to get food. The nicest thing some one done for is let me borrow money when broke. When someone says thank you it makes me joyful because it lets me know they appreciate what i've done. if i had a million dollars to help other people i would donate 1,000 to cancer programs, give 1,000 to charity, give money to surgerys that isn't guaranteed the person will make it through, and give money to a sickle cell program.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chapter 8&9 quotation assignment

Chapter 8 (page 63 paragraph 2)
Quote- "And when he saw that i wanted to learn, he hated me even more than he did the others, because I challenged him when the others didn't."
3) This quotation indicates a conflict of blacks not being able to want to learn freely without any discrimination. Back than they didn't believe that blacks were smart or were even able to understand what the teachers discussed. No one in those days expected for a black to be bright enough to challenge a teacher or to even be able to even be smart period they expected less from blacks. They thought this because of their color they only believed whites were bright.
2) This quotation characterizes everyone that didn't have dark skin because it shows that they hated that a black person actually was interested in learning. They didn't expect much from a black person they thought that all blacks could do is pick cotton, pulling onions, and working in a garden. They didn't want blacks to become higher than them nor to be successful. They didn't want them to take power and to be in charge.  Even blacks were downing their self because they started to believe what was being said.
Chapter 9 (page 73 last paragraph)
Quote- "He looked at her as though he did not know who she was, or what she was doing there."
3) Yes this quotation indicates a conflict. It indicates a conflict of Jefferson losing his mind. He didn't even touch the food his aunt brought for him even though it was his favorite. He wasn't worried about nothing but when they was going to pull the switch and who was going to pull it.
1) This quotation relates to the theme of depression. I say this because you can tell that being in jail and on a death sentence is causing Jefferson to become stressed and depressed. He was paranoid by the fact that he was to die anyday for a crime every one know he didn't comitt. They pleaded him guilty of a case when they knew he wasn't capable of murder he was the only one living on the crime and a bonus was that he was black. It scared him he wished they was there to see what really happened but even if so he probably would still be pleaded guilty.