Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Hey! My name is Mercedes Perryman. I created this blog for my honor English 11 class. I'm currently attending Ben. C. Rain High School in the 11th grade striveing to be better than who i am today. I enjoy music. I am in the marching band at B. C. Rain. I play french horn and flute. I love to laugh, sing, and praise dance. My favorite subject in school is math. My favorite type of music is rnb, gospel, and country. After high school i plan to go to Southern University in Baton Rouge to major in music and minor in engineering. I plan to be a computer and mechanic engineer and have a side job as a band director/ music educator. I beileve that GOD can do anything at anytime so i workship him at all times. God is the most important person in my life. Next being my parents and grandparents.

1 comment:

  1. Mercedes u have a lot of good things going for yourself. I think that if u keep your grades up and stay positive and dedicate your time to school you will definitely reach the many goals you have set for your future. Band is a great hobby outside if school work. I dance with the band and enjoy hearing the band play. Continue to look foward and work hard to succeed. With God anything is possible.
