Thursday, April 7, 2016

American Dream

The American Dream to me means a goal or idea in which freedom includes the opportunity for success. I believe that everyone should believe in the American Dream. The American Dream can influence kids, teenagers, and even adults to do better. The American Dream also gives those who aren't from the United States a opportunity to be successful in a new way.  Other countries don't have a opportunity like us, which should make us take advantage of this opportunity. The American Dream is something great every one in the U.S. guide their self by inorder to be successful. Teenagers now do not take part nor believe in the American Dream.
My American dream is to graduate high school with a 3.5 Gpa. Afterwards i want to go start to Southern University to major in music and minor in engineering. When i get to Southern i plan to play in the band. I than plan to soon join a sorority my sophomore year in college. After I graduate from Southern i plan to go back to college to work my way up to the highest degree in engineering than music. I will soon become a engineer, get my own house, have a family, and own my own music business.

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